Find our product families grouped by application type.
Below are the families of cash collection products we have in stock the following types of cash collection seals
- TEN-LOK RFID adjustable flange indicative seal: adjustable flange type. L
- SAFEPOL security bag seal: for bags with security locks.
- ENVOPOL security bag seal: bag seal with security locks.
- Trapezoidal bag: trapezoidal security bag for transport of documents or cash.
- CIT security bag: high resistance polyethylene bag.
- Sampling bags: security bags.
- High security envelope with anti-handling adhesive: high security envelopes.
- Customized security envelopes: high security envelopes, reusable or permanent.
- High security envelopes with high security adhesive: high security envelopes for transporting funds.
- Narcotics envelopes: high security envelopes.
TEN-LOK adjustable indicating strap seal
TEN-LOK adjustable indicating strap seal with casing to house the metal insert and prevent tampering of it. This security seal has multiple applications and is used in a wide range of...
See detailsTEN-LOK RFID security seals
TEN-LOK RFID Security seals RFID adjustable flange indicative seal offers maximum security against manipulation. Ensures the traceability of your valuable assets. Applicable for the food se...
See detailsCIT security bag
CIT security bag It has 2 rows of 5 holes to seal safely with our special seals. It incorporates a safety line printed on the bottom to prevent it from being cut and re-soldered. CIT safety...
See detailsSampling bags
Sampling bags Sampling kits: Composed of 1 container bag with 3 smooth or silk-screened bags and 3 seals of different color and equal numbers, to differentiate the different destinations of the s...
See detailsNarcotics envelope
Narcotics envelope Polythene envelope with high security, neutral adhesive, for the custody of third party objects, samples and judicial evidence and any other application where total proof of ta...
See detailsCustomized security envelopes
Sobres de seguridad a medida Precintia supplies a wide range of specific models for each of the needs of our customers. With different types of fastening and wide range of sizes and printing opti...
See detailsHigh security envelope with anti-tamper adhesive
High security envelope with anti-tamper adhesive Especially for cash and documentation that require special and/or confidential handling. It can be opaque or transparent. The adhesive fastenin...
See detailsTrapezoidal bag
Trapezoidal bag Due to its safety, economy and efficiency, SAFEPAK is the most widely used sealable bag system for sending documentation, correspondence, currency, ... etc. Recommended for sec...
See detailsENVOPOL security bag seal
ENVOPOL security bag seal ENVOPAK special security lock seal for bags and pouches. Apply pressure to use. It allows numbering and/or logo and barcode. The materials used are of high quality...
See detailsSAFEPOL security bag seal
SAFEPOL security bag seal SAFEPAK special security lock seal for bags and pouches. Apply pressure to use. It allows numbering and/or logo and barcode. The materials used are of high quality...
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