
Interview with Alberto Calderón

CEO of Precintia Seguridad

On February 10th, 2021 there was a change of ownership / shareholders. On March 16th there was a new management team taking the reins of Precintia.


After the remaining 9 months of the year, there are several points that are sure to be of interest to our customers, distributors and suppliers:


  • What did you find when you arrived at Precintia Seguridad?


We found a very tired staff, with a psychological burden very much marked by the previous situation, oversized departments, staff not suitable for some jobs, a portfolio of orders to serve with significant delays and machinery and molds without maintenance and with many years of antiquity.


  • What immediate steps were taken 

The first step was to interview the key people of the company, see the procedures that were in place. Once analysed, proceed to put people who had a great knowledge of the company, the product and wanted to make this company succeed in these key positions. Later the processes were examined and we introduced improvements and eliminated the unnecessary ones. On the other hand, we carry out a good production planning, allowing us to reduce the delivery time from 16 to 4 weeks in just a month and a half.


  • In what situation are we at the beginning of 2022?


Let’s first analyse how 2021 has evolved after the first measures taken, in order to understand the present situation. When we entered the company, we carried out a SWOT and one of the threats was that we only worked with a single injection service provider. unfortunately, the threat became a reality, even though we had already been working on solving this issue. On June 22nd this supplier told us that it was closing, not giving us our own molds back, that left us having to file a lawsuit against this provider. Luckily, and as I have mentioned previously, we were already working on solving this threat and we were making new molds for the company’s most strategic products and creating a larger security stock in case this threat materialized. Also, on the other hand, we were looking for other injection service providers to be able to take our molds. And with this preliminary, we can now say that we are working with three injection suppliers, with all the molds functional and working and with the capacity to manufacture more than double the current production.


  • What strengths and potential do you see in the Precintia Seguridad project?


Honestly, all I see right now are strengths. We have a factory prepared to be able to double production and with planned investments that we will start this year to be able to triple it. We have qualified staff with extensive experience in our sector, loyal customers and a product with a quality far superior to our competition. Having closed a 2021 with positive numbers, taking into account that the previous year we could not affect on sales prices the increases in raw materials, energy consumption, etc. Also, not forgetting the impact of COVID in numerous sectors that have had to remain closed or with reduced geographic mobility that has seen their consumption diminish, not having been able to be 100% proactive due to the problem we had with the injection supplier. I believe that all this, is a strong argument to say that this 2022 we predict will be the first good year for Precintia of the many that will come.


  • What motivated you or made you take the reins of this new project?


One of the reasons was that shareholders have a clear vision of that they want. We have a very similar way of seeing and analysing things. Another reason is that the Commercial Management has been in the Sector for many years and knows more than anyone how this business works and how to proceed. Also mention that the product itself is very good and equally important is that the staff has a lot of knowledge of the product and the sector to be able to solve the needs of our clients and that is beyond doubt, the greatest asset that you can have in a company.


  • What are our short-term objectives?


In the short and long we have the same objective: SERVICE. In the short term, make investments to increase productivity and be able to offer the highest quality and also recover lost customers over the last few years


  • And in the long term?

Create synergies between our R&D team and the engineers that make up the group’s companies, in order to be up-to-date with technology and adapt our products to this new era of artificial intelligence, and commit ourselves to helping to have a sustainable planet with products that do not harm the environment and make a global expansion.


  • In a slogan, as you would say to customers, distributors and suppliers.

Quality + Service = Precintia.

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+34 935 446 450

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