
Laboratory Testing: Materials to Ensure Safety in Sample Collection

Las pruebas de laboratorio exigen procedimientos seguros para la toma de muestras

Sample collection and its shipment to laboratories are essential practices in highly regulated sectors for conducting tests and controls. In which areas do these procedures hold significant importance? What materials are essential for the safety and proper classification of samples for laboratory testing? Let’s explore them below:

Sample Collection and Laboratory Testing: A Well-Established Practice in Various Sectors

Laboratory testing is intrinsically linked to two areas: health and safety regulations and quality control. We highlight some key applications:

1. Food analysis and quality control

The official website of the European Union provides in-depth information about the agents authorized to conduct these tests, documentation requirements, as well as the necessary materials for performing them with utmost safety. It is complemented by the provisions of each member state.


Such laboratory tests play a crucial role in monitoring the food chain and are also used in the European surveillance network that regulates the exchange of bovine and porcine livestock between countries.


2. Veterinary analysis

Sample collection and submission to laboratories are part of disease prevention and zoonosis programs in the veterinary field.

This primarily affects the health control of livestock farms but also holds relevance in pet care.


3. Laboratory testing in research and medicine

With the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the global pandemic, sample collection and laboratory testing have gained significant media attention, as tests are essential weapons in the fight against new pathogens.

Sample collection for laboratory testing is crucial in the research and testing of infectious diseases.

Health and scientific institutions must adhere to the mandatory protocol for collecting biological samples in our country.


La seguridad de las pruebas de laboratorio es crucial en los procesos judiciales

4. Sample collection as part of forensic processes

In the field of justice administration, sample collection is employed in conflict resolution and forensic investigations.

The security of laboratory tests is also crucial in legal proceedings.




Sample Collection for Laboratory Testing: Materials and Transportation

At Precintia, as manufacturers of security seals and other related materials, we understand agents and laboratories needs when it comes to procuring products that ensure effective identification and safe transportation of collected samples:

  • Sample collection bags:
    • Proper identification of samples following the designated coding system is essential to avoid errors in result assignment for laboratory tests.
    • In this regard, Precintia’s sample collection kits include three distinct bags along with three seals of different colors, enabling differentiation of sample destinations.
    • This accomplishes two objectives: protecting samples from unauthorized handling and facilitating their classification in the laboratory.

Producto Sacos toma de muestras - Administración Pública y Cuerpos de Seguridad|Alimentación|Laboratorios y Químico|Sanitario y Farmacéutico


  • Insulated bags for sample transportation: As organic elements, samples must be transported while preserving their complete integrity, which necessitates maintaining the cold chain. Therefore, laboratories highly demand insulated bags equipped with an interior polyurethane foam insulation and a secure closure mechanism (integrated zipper or a security tie like Ten Lok or Pull Fly).

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If you work in a laboratory and are seeking security products that facilitate controlled handling of samples, please do not hesitate to contact us: We will provide advice on the materials that best suit your testing needs.



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