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Precintia shields the continuity of its businesses
As a formula to give continuity to the activity of the company, Precintia shields the continuity of its businesses. Precintia International S.A. has started the process of liquidating its production units and express sales, after having declared in voluntary bankruptcy by the Commercial Court number 1 of Barcelona.
The production plants continue to operate and this process will in no way affect the commitments made with customers.
This express sales process affects both the Security division, specialized in the manufacture of seals and other passive security systems for different industrial uses, and the Todplast unit, dedicated to the production of plastic containers for the food sector, specifically for those linked to catering and ice cream.
The objective of this action is to preserve all or the maximum possible number of jobs. Precintia shields the continuity of its businesses
And obtain resources to meet the obligations acquired with creditors and thus be able to guarantee the continuity of the company.
At present, Precintia employs 90 workers.
It should be remembered that, even during confinement, Precintia has continued to supply its products to strategic industries such as pharmaceuticals and food. All this despite the serious crisis affecting the hotel and restaurant industry as a result of COVID-19, which has posed a challenge for the operation of the Todplast division, closely linked to both sectors.
In 2014, Precintia reached an agreement with most of its creditors to execute an agreement that it has been scrupulously fulfilling year after year.
On Friday, December 11 of last year 2020, the deadline for receiving offers ended and, then, on the 14th of the same month, the process of opening of offers and awarding was carried out before a notary.
Today, January 29, 2021, the judge has adjudicated her decision.
The award of the security division has been awarded to the company Penta Solutions / B&B Trends
Todplast division has been awarded to Plásticos Niyu company.
Precintia, 35 years of experience and an important international presence
Headquartered in La Llagosta (Vallès Oriental), Precintia is a family business with a long history in the manufacture of passive safety systems. Widely used in sectors such as food or logistics and transport.
Its product portfolio is made up of security seals, security bags , sealable envelopes and security labels. On the other hand, Todplast produces glasses, tubs, cans and other plastic containers for ice cream and other foods.
The company has a strong international presence. With subsidiaries in France, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Andorra, the United States, and supplies products to more than 52 countries.
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