
New Certification for Tachographs

We have obtained the certification of the Tachograph Standard EN 16882: 2016 It is a European standard that establishes the technical specifications in relation to the seals used in tachographs in order to improve their security. This tachograph regulation denotes the different tests that security seals must pass. Amongst other parameters, they check: resistance to contact with different liquids, behaviour at different temperatures, tolerance to humidity and reaction to vibrations. After passing these tests, the “T” enclosed in a circle mark is added to the tachograph seals, which certifies them.

Eurotool tacógrafos









Precintia products have passed the Standard tests. Therefore, Precintia, having been part of the European technical meetings, is among the manufacturers of seals for tachographs. The seals are personalized and the marking must be done by Precintia as an authorized supplier. The security seals for tachographs guarantee the protection of the device, against manipulation attempts, to ensure that the displayed data it’s real. If you want to know more about tachograph regulations, you can consult our article published on our website: The 3 main tachograph regulations and their seals.

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